Since you are here on our page about Numinar
* You already know about this secret weapon for winning elections!
* You're ready to do something about it!
* You want to know how to get started!
Below is the handout from the presentation on Numinar by Doug Griffith at the Sussex GOP Meeting on June 10th. Click HERE to download the PDF.

Candidates and Campaign Managers
to Create a Numinar Account here is your Numinar link.
Numinar Training Guides and Links
This guide is suitable for admin and staff user roles that plan to use the full suite of tools that Numinar provides (or at least more than call & canvass). This guide provides training on the following outreach features: canvassing, calling, texting, polling, and modeling.
This guide is suitable for admin and staff user roles that plan to only use Numinar's canvassing and calling outreach features.
This guide is designed just for volunteers. It has step-by-step instructions for everything your volunteers need to know about using Numinar.