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About The Delaware GOP

Julianne Murray, Chair

Julianne Murray Delaware GOP chair
Delaware GOP

We, the Republicans of Delaware, are dedicated to safeguarding the rights and freedoms of all residents. We aim to foster economic growth, provide quality education, ensure safety, and uphold personal choices within the bounds of the law. We believe in limited government, accountability, and the importance of every citizen's voice through their vote.

Julianne Murray Gets Shout Out from Trump at Wildwood Rally

Thank you, Donald J. Trump!

From the:

Delaware GOP Messaging and Publicity Committee


Delaware Republican


Sussex GOP

Economy, Education, and Crime in Delaware is worse than ever.

It’s time for change, before we can’t!

If you have common sense and want to put an end to the nonsense, then

Join the Delaware GOP.

Good Ordinary People

– like you!

Sussex County

Republican Committee

Sussex GOP


131 E. Market St.

Georgetown DE 19947

Get Involved! For Delaware!


Freedom for the individual - NO Mandates! 

It’s not the purpose of government to mandate what we drive, how we cook our food, heat our homes and what vaccines to put in our bodies. Freedom is to choose what is right for each individual and their family.


Our Borders and Immigration

DE Democrats want open borders.  That makes it easier for gangs, drugs and human trafficking to enter our country. We want strict border security with a clearly defined pathway for citizenship for those who enter legally. We want a responsible immigration policy.


Sanctity of Life

DE Democrats in Power passed surgical abortion on demand up to birth paid for with tax dollars. We support religious, parental, legal and safe reproductive rights while also balancing the life of an unborn baby.  Vote Republican if you agree. 

2A Rights

Delaware Democrats want to license a Constitutional Right and treat law abiding citizens like criminals. The right of the citizen to bear arms shall not be infringed!

Progressives want to tell You how to live and force their views on everyone else. No more!


The Republicans of Delaware are  dedicated to safeguarding the rights and freedoms of all residents.  We aim to foster economic growth, provide quality education, ensure safety and uphold personal choices within the bounds of the law. We believe in limited government, accountability, and the importance of  every citizen's voice through their vote.

Do you want to be part of the Solution and Stop the Regressive Progressive Creep?

Get involved now!  


We need your help!

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Together we can vote out the Delaware party in power, before we can’t.
Every election, Every year.
Tell your friends!

DE Democrats in Power spend more than we can afford and plan to raise our taxes.

DE Republicans demand we

balance our budget!

FACT  Delaware Democrats passed the 2025 budget that is $523 million dollars higher than 2024, yet brings in only $80 million more in revenue. Can YOU do this? Democrat spending is UNSUSTAINABLE! They WILL increase taxes!

Sources: 2023 Budget Bill - HB 195, 2024 Budget Bill - SB 325, DEFAC June 2024 Revenue Worksheet

FACT  Delaware Democrats passed a 2024 budget to increase spending by 13% higher. That's $14,736 per household. Can you afford to pay $14,736 more? Can your neighbor?

FACT  One third of Delaware’s population is on Medicaid, yet Delaware Democrat lawmakers voted to expand services with less revenue. This is UNSUSTAINABLE!

FACT  In 2023, Delaware had the smallest Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) among all states in the country, -1.2%, the sole state with a negative GDP growth rate. This needs to change!

FACT 61% of Americans who live paycheck to paycheck can’t afford these increases.

Economy Source:

Your vote is your voice. 

Every election.  Every year.

Your vote can’t be stolen if you vote!


When Delaware schools fail,  Delaware’s economy fails, leading to poverty and crime.

Education matters!

DE Republicans demand the return of authority and accountability back with teachers, not bureaucrats!

FACT  As per the Nation’s Report Card, Delaware is the 4th worst performing state on the National Assessment of Educational Progress while being in the top 10 in spending, $20,231 per student (DOE).

FACT  In Delaware, 17 schools have less than 1 in 10 students who can read or do math at grade level. Democrats don’t have a plan!

FACT  Roughly 1/3 of the state budget is spent on education, yet Democrats want to spend more! Lack of money is NOT the problem!

FACT  Over the last 20 years, spending per student has increased 34.5%, while students' test scores continue to drop.  Democrats plan to raise property taxes to increase spending by $500 million to $1 billion to improve "equity."

FACT DE Schools chronic absenteeism is out of control, topping at 21% in 2023. DE schools are seeing a decrease in the level of discipline, and an increase in violence and bullying.

Education Source:

1st State Students Deserve a

1st Rate Education.

Republicans have a plan!


Crime is increasing not just in the cities, but in our neighborhoods too. Democrats are soft on crime and it will get worse!

DE Republicans demand a return to the Rule of Law and a stronger, safer, more prosperous America!

FACT  Delaware ranks #15 highest in the nation for violent crime per capita in 2023!

FACT  The most dangerous city in DE is Seaford, and was labeled “The Heroin Capital of America.” Laurel, Georgetown, and Dover are right behind it in crime.

FACT  DE Attorney General created over 40 internal policy changes that make it

nearly impossible to incarcerate a person

even for an extremely violent crime. 

FACT  Delaware Democrats tried to pass a reform bill to make all probation and parole unsupervised and prohibits jail time for individuals who break their probation/parole.

FACT  The average increase in drug overdose death count is 18% every year from 2012 to 2020 and is still increasing.

FACT  Retail theft is up 10.5% nationally, costing Delaware $547 million in 2022, but DE's AG is soft on prosecuting crimes.  

DE Democrats are soft on crime

and allow drugs to increase, yet they infringe on 2A rights to prevent us from protecting our families.

Every election we must get the vote out to vote Republican!

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