Okay, it is YOUR TURN to make your voice heard and support the candidate of your choice in the Primary by VOTING!!! Today (last day of early voting until 7 pm) and Tuesday, Sept. 10th 7 am- 7 pm (actual Primary voting day) are your last two chances if you have not voted already. Every Republican must do their civic duty and VOTE - no excuses - "Just Do It," to coin a phrase.
Tomorrow night is the Sussex GOP regional meeting (social meeting, not business) at Revelation Brewery, 413 S. Bedford St., Georgetown. 6:30 - 8 pm. Trump signs will be available for sale. The cost for the signs is $10 each. All the monies raised go to support our local candidates in the general election and our efforts to get out the vote. Come on out and enjoy a brew with your friends, family, neighbors, fellow Republicans and like-minded conservatives. Revelation Brewery has a food truck on site for those who wish to order a meal.
I look forward to seeing everyone at 6:30.
My best,
Drew Sunderlin
Chair/Sussex GOP