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Writer's pictureDrew Sunderlin

Upcoming Regional Meeting

Fellow Republicans,

Tomorrow night, April 8th, the Sussex County Republican Committee will hold their Regional Meeting, starting promptly at 6:30, at the Millsboro Fire Company Hall, 109 E. State St., Millsboro. Our guest speaker is our GOP candidate for the State House of Representatives for District 20, Nikki Miller, PhD. In addition, we will hear from the candidates for National Committeeman and National Committeewoman representing the state of Delaware at the RNC, plus local School Board GOP candidates will be introducing themselves and briefly covering their platforms. Come on out and be informed. Admission is free.

Spring is a special time of year that shows us the wonders of God’s creation.  As we witness nature’s transformation from winter to spring it should inspire us to get out and get involved.  We have many terrific candidates who need your help in getting elected and now is the time to volunteer whatever time you can spare to make that happen.  Just go to and click on the volunteer button and let us know how you wish to help.  Our candidates have “identified” the issues they wish to campaign on, have “implemented” a targeted strategy to accomplish this, and now need YOU to help them “inspire” the electorate.  Only by working together do we achieve our targeted goal of keeping Sussex County RED.

My best,

Drew Sunderlin

Chair/Sussex GOP

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