Veteran Contacts
Below are many links and phone numbers of Veteran contacts. If you are unable to find the agency you are looking for, the first link is a full directory of phone numbers for Veteran Affairs:
Helpful VA Phone Numbers | Veterans Affairs
Districts, Post Officers and Locations
Delaware Office of Veteran Services (DOVS)
Headquarters Phone: (302) 739-2792
Hearing impaired: 800-698-2411 TTY: 711
802 Silver Lake Blvd
Robbins Building Suite 100
Dover, DE 19904
Email: DOS_OVS@delaware.gov
Fax: 302-739-2794
Satellite Offices - DOVS
Daniel Hensel
Email: daniel.hensel@delaware.gov
Co-located with DVMC Millsboro
Phone: 302-648-3068
Email: kenneth.hockensmith@delaware.gov
Co-located with DVMC Millsboro
Phone: 302-648-3063
Email: lisaM.Smith@delaware.gov
Co-located with DVMC Bear
Phone: 302-365-8231
Delaware Veterans Home - State of Delaware Phone: 302-424-6000
100 Delaware Veterans Boulevard
Milford, DE 19963
Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery
New Castle County
2465 Chesapeake City Road
Bear, Delaware 19701
Phone: 302-834-8046
Fax: 302-834-3787
Sussex County
26669 Patriots Way
Millsboro, Delaware 19966
Phone: 302-934-5653
Fax: 302-934-5647
Main number: 800-461-8262, ext. 2300
21748 Roth Avenue
Georgetown, DE 19947-2300
Main number: 302-225-9110
20653 DuPont Boulevard Suite 1
Georgetown, DE 19947
US GOV Office of Veterans Contact Line
1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411)
VA Mental health and substance abuse help
Dial 988 then #1 - 24 hours a day/7days a week
VA Request financial hardship assistance
VA Other Helpful phone numbers
Lawyer Referral Service
Phone: 866-495-7405
White House VA Hotline 1-855-948-2311