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Download the DEGOP app

Fellow Republicans,

Election season is upon us and we all need to step up and help our endorsed Republican candidates up and down the state as well as nationally WIN. In order to do this everyone needs to step up and do a couple of simple things to get the ball rolling.

First, go to the Play Store on your phone and download the DEGOP app! This is available for both iphone and android users. The DEGOP app will give us all the ability to reach out to our friends and neighbors to get out the vote. Everyone should download the app.

Play Store search options to find the DEGOP app include: DE GOP, Delaware GOP and Delaware Republican Party.

Second, there will be many fundraisers, meet & greets and socials coming up asking you to support/donate to candidates running for office. Please attend as many as your time and budget allows and help our candidates get across the finish line.

Third, volunteer to help!!! Don't just sit on the couch and assume that your candidates already have the task of getting elected in-hand. They need YOU! There are many tasks that you can volunteer for: phoning from home or through one of our phone banks, door knocking with the candidate, posting lawn signs or helping to install larger signs, being a poll worker, greeter or checker challenger, or assist people in getting to the polls. Our Sussex County website has a tab to make it simple and easy to volunteer.

Finally, VOTE and make sure your friends, neighbors and family do as well!!!

This is our year ONLY if you get involved.

Drew Sunderlin

Chair/Sussex GOP


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