Our 10 Days of Giving campaign for the Sussex GOP (January 22-31) is well underway and I want to thank all who have given to the cause so far. Your patriotism is MOST appreciated.
Everyone who reads this has a vested interest in the success of the Republican party in Sussex County, the state, and the nation. It is time that we all step up and help our elected officials and, soon, our endorsed GOP candidates running for office, by contributing either our financial support, volunteering, or BOTH. I am asking you to make the commitment to our party and give what you can to keep Sussex County RED!
I have made a personal challenge to "Match Me or Better" of $50 and I am very thankful for those who have already met, or exceeded, my challenge. Now it is your turn. Take an active role in supporting your party. Together, our team will WIN!
Drew Sunderlin
Chair/Sussex GOP