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Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah,
and Happy New Year greetings from
the Sussex County Republican Committee!

Christmas Messages from Presidents Past
Merry christmas
A Christmas Message from Presidents Past for Sunday, December 22

 “On Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Christ with prayer, feasting, and great merriment. But, most of all, we experience it in our hearts. For, more than just a day, Christmas is a state of mind. It is found throughout the year whenever faith overcomes doubt, hope conquers despair, and love triumphs over hate. It is present where men of any creed bring love and understanding to the hearts of their fellow man."

President Ronald Reagan, 1981
A Christmas Message from Presidents Past for Monday, December 23

 “Christians give thanks that the Son of God came into the world to save humanity. Jesus Christ inspires us to love one another with hearts full of generosity and grace ... As one grateful nation, we praise the joy of family, the blessings of freedom, and the miracle of Christmas.”

President Donald Trump, 2019
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays
A Christmas Message from Presidents Past for Christmas Eve

 “The spirit of Christmas breathes an eternal message of peace and good-will to all men. We pause therefore on this Holy Night and, laying down the burdens and the cares of life and casting aside the anxieties of the common day, rejoice that nineteen hundred years ago, heralded by angels, there came into the world One whose message was of peace, who gave to all mankind a new commandment of love. In that message of love and of peace we find the true meaning of Christmas."

President D Franklin Roosevelt, 1935
A Christmas Message from Presidents Past for Christmas Day

In this season of peace, we cherish the warmth, generosity, and faith that breathe life into our holiday gatherings.  The love we share with our family and friends fills our hearts with joy, just as the story of Christ’s birth inspires people all over the world.  This year, we come together as proud Americans—grateful for our sacred right to worship freely and to openly profess our trust in the enduring light and promise of the coming of God."

President Donald Trump, 2020
Happy Holidays
A Christmas Message from Presidents Past for Thursday, December 26

 "May our prayers this Christmas call forth that serenity of heart and confidence in the future that are the best of all possible gifts. May the song of our people be one of thanks for God’s blessings on America and of petition for His continued blessings upon us, especially on those who face this Christmas in want or loneliness. Let us raise our hearts and voices in common song for the reign of peace and the rule of goodwill, that in the words of the carol, all may celebrate ‘everywhere, everywhere, Christmas tonight."

President Ronald Reagan, 1986
Happy Holidays
A Christmas Message from Presidents Past for Friday, December 27

 “‘Is the Christmas spirit still alive?’ some ask. Well, you bet it is. Being Americans, we open our hearts to neighbors less fortunate. We try to protect them from hunger and cold. And we reach out in so many ways–from toys-for-tots drives across the country, to goodwill by the Salvation Army, to American Red Cross efforts which provide food, shelter, and Christmas cheer from Atlanta to Seattle… Let us remember the families who maintain a watch for their missing in action. And, yes, let us remember all those who are persecuted inside the Soviet bloc–not because they commit a crime, but because they love God in their hearts and want the freedom to celebrate Hanukkah or worship the Christ Child… The Christmas spirit of peace, hope, and love is the spirit Americans carry with them all year round, everywhere we go. As long as we do, we need never be afraid, because trusting God is the one sure answer to all the problems we face.”

President Ronald Reagan, 1983
Happy Holidays
A Christmas Message from Presidents Past for Saturday, December 28

“We mark the festival of Christmas which is the most sacred and hopeful day in our civilization. For nearly 2,000 years the message of Christmas, the message of peace and good will towards all men, has been the guiding star of our endeavors

President John F. Kennedy, 1962
Happy Holidays
A Christmas Message from Presidents Past for Sunday, December 29

 “At Christmas, we celebrate the promise of salvation that God gave to mankind almost 2,000 years ago. The birth of Christ changed the course of history, and His life changed the soul of man. … By His words and by His example, Christ has called us to share our many blessings with others. As individuals and as a Nation … there are countless ways that we can extend to others the same love and mercy that God showed humankind when He gave us His only Son.”

President George H. Bush, 1991
Happy Holidays
A Christmas Message from Presidents Past for Monday, December 30

FDR 1944  Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered a Christmas greeting to the American troops in 1944, including those in Europe engulfed in the Battle of the Bulge, Hitler’s last major counter-offensive.

"Here, at home, we will celebrate this Christmas Day in our traditional American way-because of its deep spiritual meaning to us; because the teachings of Christ are fundamental in our lives; and because we want our youngest generation to grow up knowing the significance of this tradition and the story of the coming of the immortal Prince of Peace and Good Will.”

President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1944
Happy Holidays
A Christmas and New Years Message from Presidents Past for New Years Eve

 "To all Americans, and to all our friends around the globe celebrating today, we wish you a very merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year."

President Donald Trump, 2020
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